Official Rules
League Overview
TGL presented by SoFi is a prime time, team golf league in partnership with the PGA TOUR, fusing golf and technology and featuring the best players in the world. TGL consists of six teams in a season-long competition. Matches will take place in a live arena environment, SoFi Center, where holes begin with shots into a simulator screen and end in a tech-infused, short-game area.
Field of Play
ScreenZone (Positions 1 & 2 below): Players will start each hole in a simulator-based golf environment that includes three main parts:
- Two hitting areas consisting of real fairway, rough, and sand surfaces:
- The "back box," which is approximately 35 yards from the Screen for shots 71 yards and longer
- The "front box," which is approximately 20 yards from the Screen for shots 70 yards or shorter
- Ball-tracking cameras and radar-based launch monitors
- Front projector-based Screen with the virtualized hole and shot results
GreenZone (Position 3 below): Players will complete the final stage of each hole in a real-world, short-game area called the GreenZone. The main components of this area include:
- 41-yard-wide turntable that can rotate 360 degrees
- Tech-infused putting green with three dynamic sections that can morph their topographies
- Three greenside bunkers
- Surrounding apron and rough
Match Format, Scoring, & Rules
Article 1: Modern Match Play Scoring:
Scoring will be “Modern Match Play” meaning that each hole begins with the value of one point, and the team with the fewest shots on a hole wins the point(s). Ties are worth zero points and there are no carryovers.
Article 2: Competition Overview:
A “match” will consist of two teams competing head-to-head for 15 holes.
Within a match there will be two sessions played in two different formats. Session order is as follows:
- Triples – Session one is nine holes of “Triples,” otherwise known as three-player, alternate shot. Player one for each team will tee off on holes 1, 4, and 7; player two will tee off on holes 2, 5, and 8; and player three will tee off on holes 3, 6, and 9. Each player will tee off on a par 3, 4, and 5.
- Singles – Session two will be six holes of “Singles.” Player one for each team will play head-to-head on holes 10 and 13, player two will play holes 11 and 14, and player three will play holes 12 and 15. Singles will be made up of two par 3’s, two par 4’s, and two par 5’s.
Conceded Holes & Shots:
In match play, players and teams are allowed at their discretion to concede a shot to the other player or team. When a shot is conceded, the opposing team is allowed to pick up their ball and will have one additional shot added (i.e., a gimme). Additionally, players and teams are allowed to concede a hole at any time, giving the opposing team a win on the hole. When a concession has been made, it must be announced by the player in a clear and concise manner to the opponent and referee, who must acknowledge the concession. If a player picks up their ball without the acknowledgement of a concession by the opposing team, the player shall incur a one-shot penalty and place their ball as close as possible to its original spot.
Winning a Match in Regulation:
The team that wins the most points after both sessions (15 holes) will be declared the winner.
If the match is tied after 15 holes, the teams will play a best-of-three, closest-to-the-pin competition in the GreenZone. The team that started the match with the Honor will go first in Overtime. Teams may select their playing order during Overtime.
A predetermined Overtime hitting location within the GreenZone will be set by TGL Competition Staff prior to the match. For a shot to count, the ball must be on the putting green when it comes to rest. After each matchup, the team with their ball closer to the pin will win that matchup. Skymark, TGL’s ball placement and measuring system, will have the final say on which ball is closer. The team that went first in the first matchup will go second in the second matchup, and that order will continue to alternate. A team will win Overtime, and therefore the match, once they hit two shots closer to the pin than the opposing team in a matchup. In cases where more than three shots per team are necessary, matchups will remain the same, but the player order will be reversed (ex: 1a vs 1b, 2b vs 2a, 3a vs 3b, 1b vs 1a, 2a vs 2b, 3b vs 3a).
Points towards the SoFi Cup Standings will be as follows:
- Overtime Winning Team:
- Two points towards their SoFi Cup Standings
- One point to the overall match score (i.e., if match was tied 5-5, then the final match score would be 6-5)
- Overtime Losing Team:
- One point towards their SoFi Cup Standings
Match Progression
Article 1: Screenplay:
Each hole shall begin in the ScreenZone where players will hit tee and approach shots until they progress into the GreenZone.
Teeing Off:
Every tee shot shall take place in the ScreenZone. The order in which players hit off the tee will be determined by the following:
- First hole of match: the team that starts with the Honor will tee off first.
- Team lineups will be set prior to the match and as stated above, each player will have designated holes they will tee off on for each session.
- Play order after the conclusion of a hole will follow the same play order as in the Rules of Golf:
- The team that won the previous hole will tee off first on the next hole.
- If a hole was tied, the order will continue to be the same as the hole prior.
Match Progression:
Player order after tee shots shall be determined by distance to hole whereas the player farthest from the hole will hit first.
After each screenplay shot is complete and the ball has not yet reached the GreenZone, players will continue in the ScreenZone by playing their next shot from the hitting surface that matches the lie within the virtual hole (sand, fairway, or rough) and box (front or back) depending on their distance from the hole. All tee shots will be hit from the fairway section of either box.
Players will be directed to either the front or back box depending on the distance of their next shot.
- Shots from 71 yards and longer will be played from the back box
- Shots from 70 yards and closer will be played from the front box.
If the player’s ball is in the fairway or sand, they will place their ball into position. If they are in the rough, then the player must drop their ball into position.
Each drop will be overseen by the referee, who will also consult with the booth official to ensure fair play.
Players shall continue hitting in the ScreenZone until they reach the GreenZone threshold on the hole.
Article 2: Transition to the GreenZone:
The GreenZone threshold shall be defined as the criteria required for a player to begin greenplay. Because an exact replica of the real GreenZone will be represented in every virtual TGL hole, the competition technology will determine when a shot has reached the GreenZone threshold. Once in the GreenZone, players will pitch, chip, and putt until their ball is holed out or a concession is made.
Article 3: GreenZone:
Ball Placement:
Ball placement in the GreenZone will be done by using the ball placement mechanism, Skymark, a custom technology built to guide the transition from screenplay to greenplay. This technology will illuminate an area in the GreenZone where a player must place their ball on the dot in the middle of the light to correctly match up with the coordinates in the virtual hole. If the light is on the putting green, then the player can place a ball marker instead of a ball. If the ending location in the virtual world does not match where Skymark comes to rest, the booth official and TGL Competition Staff has the right to move the light to more accurately represent its location.
Article 4: Referee and Booth Official:
TGL will have a referee on the field of play who is responsible for promoting pace of play, including enforcing the shot clock. They also will assist with any rules violations and/or rules questions. The booth official will be present in the scoring booth and will be responsible for starting and stopping the shot clock. The booth official will have final say for any Rules of Golf or TGL-rules violations, including through access to video replay.
Match Week Overview
Article 1: Hole and Lineup Selection:
Hole Selections for a Match:
TGL has a library of holes custom designed by golf course designers. The TGL Competition Staff will select 15 holes from that library as the course to be played for that match, and they will be sent to the participating teams no less than four days prior to the match.
Players and Matchup Selections for Match:
TGL will consist of six teams of four players, with three active players playing each match.
Hammer and Lineup Selection:
Each TGL team will start a match with Honor a minimum of two times during the regular season. The team starting with Honor will also select first during the lineup order selection process.
Below is an example of a standard TGL match week (*denotes team that starts with the Honor):
- “Course” of 15 holes to be played in the match released by TGL Competition Staff to teams
- Starting lineups (3 players) submitted by teams to TGL Competition Staff
- Ex. NY: Fitzpatrick, Fowler, Schauffele; BAY*: Clark, Lowry, Åberg
- Recorded call between teams to pick the lineup order
- Honor team (BAY) picks their player in the 1 position: 1. Lowry
- Non-Honor team (NY) picks their player in the 1 position: 1. Lowry vs Fowler
- Non-Honor team (NY) picks their players in the 2 & 3 positions: 1. Lowry vs Fowler 2. Fitzpatrick 3. Schauffele
- Honor team (BAY) picks their players in the 2 & 3 positions: 1. Lowry vs Fowler 2. Clark vs Fitzpatrick 3. Åberg vs Schauffele
In the fifth and final match of the regular season, the team higher in the SoFi Cup Standings will start the match with the Honor and will select first during the lineup order selection process. If tied, the league will refer to the SoFi Cup Standings tiebreakers to determine who starts the match with the Honor.
TGL Specific Rules and Penalties
Article 1: Hammer:
The “Hammer” is a game modifier that will change the hole value by adding one point to the value. For instance, each hole starts with a value of one point. When a Hammer is played and accepted, the value of the hole would now be two points. If another Hammer is played and accepted, the value of the hole would now be three points.
At the start of the match, each team has three Hammers to use at their discretion. A team can only throw one Hammer per hole. The maximum a hole can be worth is three points if both teams choose to throw a Hammer on the same hole.
Hammer Mechanics:
Teams or players shall throw the Hammer, which will be an item provided by the TGL Competition Staff, and tell the referee, who must acknowledge the call. After the Hammer has been thrown, the referee then presents the opposing team with two options:
- Accept the Hammer – If the opposing team accepts, the hole value is increased by one point and the hole is continued to be played.
- Decline the Hammer – If the opposing team declines, the hole is immediately conceded, and the point(s) are awarded to the team that threw the Hammer.
Hammer Timing:
The Hammer can be thrown any time prior to a player addressing the ball. The referee will hold their fist out after they deem the ball has been addressed, which will “close the window.” If the player proceeds to back off the ball, then the referee reserves the right to re-open the window by lowering their fist.
Teams will have what is considered a reasonable amount of time to decide whether to accept or decline the Hammer.
Article 2: Hammer Thrown Prior To Any Tee Shots:
A Hammer thrown prior to any tee shot hit on a hole will be treated the same as a regular Hammer, however the opposing team must accept.
Article 3: Score Keeping:
An official scorer shall be responsible for all score-keeping activities, including shot counting, penalty assessment, and hole result. Players will not be responsible to track their own scores or submit a scorecard at the conclusion of a match.
Article 4: TGL Specific Rules:
TGL shall have specific rules to accommodate the unique format, and arena features in which a match is played.
- Prior to making a stroke to put a ball “in play” for every shot in TGL:
- ScreenZone: players will tee or place a ball in the teeing area, place a ball in the fairway and bunkers, or drop a ball in the rough.
- For shots originated from the ScreenZone, any shot hit from an incorrect box will be assessed a one-shot penalty. The same player will re-hit from the correct box.
- GreenZone: to put a ball “in play,” players will place their ball in the designated placement area at the center of the Skymark and will never be required to drop a ball.
- If a ball fails to come to rest on the spot when it is placed in the GreenZone, it shall be placed at the nearest spot where it will come to rest without penalty.
- A ball first becomes “in play” on a hole when the player makes an attempt to strike it.
- If a ball is at rest and moves from its spot at any point during competition before a stroke is made to put it “in play”, it shall be replaced without penalty.
- Thereafter, any ball which is dropped, placed, or replaced is “in play” when the player makes their next attempt to strike the ball.
- For shots originating from the GreenZone, previous penalty areas that may have been present on the virtual hole are no longer in play.
- One-shot penalty for grounding your club in a bunker
- A “shot clock violation” is determined by the shot clock reaching zero before the ball is struck.
- There is no “one ball rule,” and TGL allows players to place a new ball for a shot at any time. If in the GreenZone a player must mark the active ball first, before replacing it with their own ball.
- There is no “advice rule.” Players on the same team can give and receive advice at any time.
- Any player on a team can mark a ball for a teammate.
- If a player from each team hits their ball into an area that provides a drop granted by the competition technology, such as a penalty area or free drop, and both players are dropped in the same location, then the team or player who hit first will then be the first to play their next shot.
- If a shot is hit by the wrong player (i.e. out of order), the shot will count. However, the team will be assessed a one-shot penalty. Indicators of proper order of play include:
- Appropriate box identified on Digital Caddie
- Outline of hitting area illuminated
- Referee signal
- Target on Screen highlighted in team color
- If a drop zone designated by the competition technology is deemed incorrect by the referee, booth official, or TGL Competition Staff, the TGL Competition Staff reserves the right to use video replay to change the drop zone to a new location.
- If a player’s ball finishes in a penalty area and the competition technology does not deem it as such, the booth official has the right to assess a penalty stroke and move the ball to the nearest drop zone.
- Documents intended to be used during competition by a team must be approved by TGL Competition Staff prior to the match.
Invalid Reading / Unregistered Shot:
- The booth official and TGL Competition Staff shall have the ability to deem a shot during screenplay as an “invalid reading” on the shot at their discretion to maintain the integrity of the match and facilitate the competition. They will also have the authority to deem a “re-hit” without penalty.
- Scenarios where this may occur include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Shot not captured – If a ball is struck and the competition technology fails to capture it, then the booth official and TGL Competition Staff shall invoke a re-hit. The attempted shot is not counted towards the player’s total shots attempted.
- Exception: An exception is when the booth official and TGL Competition Staff deem the ball was in fact mishit. Then the shot will count, and the next player will hit from the previous position. The booth official and TGL Competition Staff will consider the player's intent for the shot when making this decision.
- Invalid competition technology reading – If a ball is struck and the competition technology produces an output that is clearly and obviously incorrect, then the booth official and TGL Competition Staff shall invoke a re-hit. The attempted shot is not counted, and the ball is reset to its previous resting position.
- Ball strikes object before it strikes the Screen – If a ball is struck and it collides with an object, including but not limited to the following: the lip of a tee box, another player’s club, tracking technology, then the booth official and TGL Competition Staff can invoke a re-hit, unless the shot was deemed as a mishit.
- Interference – A clear and obvious disruption that impedes a player’s ability to start their swing or complete their shot and compromises the integrity of the competition as ruled by the referee or booth official; the player has a choice to accept the result of the shot or re-hit. If the player opts to re-hit, the attempted shot is not counted, and the ball is reset to its previous resting position.
- Shot not captured – If a ball is struck and the competition technology fails to capture it, then the booth official and TGL Competition Staff shall invoke a re-hit. The attempted shot is not counted towards the player’s total shots attempted.
Players shall qualify for relief from conditions that are clearly unintended or affect the quality of the competition. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Ball comes to rest in the turntable seam.
- Ball comes to rest near immovable objects and a player is unable to attempt a shot.
- If a player’s backswing is impeded by an immovable obstruction such as an LED board, the player will be allowed to move their ball closer to the hole on a direct line until they can freely make a swing.
- If a player’s ball that originates in the GreenZone finishes outside the GreenZone, like the seating area, the player will be entitled to place their ball in play on the estimated point where the ball last crossed without penalty.
Rule of Elasticity:
The referee and booth official will maintain a floating “Rule of Elasticity” for any circumstance that is deemed a deviation from the norm. They reserve the right to make judgment calls based on their best ability in the given circumstances.
Competition Technology Issues:
If a piece of competition technology fails to operate as designed the match can be paused until the technology issue is resolved. If the issue cannot be resolved the match will continue on in the last physical state of the technology.
Article 5: Penalties:
TGL will govern by the rules set forth in this document, as well as the traditional Rules of Golf played on the PGA TOUR and the USGA. Rules have been set in place to meet the “spirt of the competition” and remain applicable under the conditions of the indoor environment. TGL reserves the right to:
- Make changes to its holes, if by doing so will enhance the competition
- Add amendments and additions to rules, and such changes will be communicated to teams and players as they are made
Examples of potential penalties from the traditional Rules of Golf include, but are not limited to, the following:
- One-shot penalty for hitting into penalty areas
- One-shot penalty for deliberately interfering with any moving ball (adaptation from the two-shot penalty in the traditional Rules of Golf)
USGA subsections that will be enforced in TGL include:
- Rule 4.1.a
- Conforming clubs. In making a stroke, a player must use a club that conforms to the requirements in the Equipment Rules when:
- It is new, or
- Its playing characteristics have been changed in any way
- The playing characteristics of a club are any part, feature, or property that affects how the club performs or aids in alignment, including but not limited to, weighting, lie, loft, alignment features and permissible external attachments
- Conforming clubs. In making a stroke, a player must use a club that conforms to the requirements in the Equipment Rules when:
- Rule 4.1.b
- Limit 14 clubs. A player must not:
- Start a round with more than 14 clubs, or
- Have more than 14 clubs during the match
- Players will not be allowed to share clubs, even if on the same team.
- At the end of a hole being played or just completed, the match score is revised by deducting one point for each hole where the breach occurred with a maximum deduction of two points per round.
- Limit 14 clubs. A player must not:
- Players that damage clubs mid match, as long as the clubs are not damaged in an act of aggression, will be entitled to replace them with the same club that meets the requirements
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Players that are considered to be acting in a way that is unbecoming of a TGL player will be subjected to an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. The player will first receive a warning from the referee. If they are given a second warning, then they will receive a one-shot penalty. If the act is considered “egregious” the referee will have the ability to issue a one-shot penalty with no warning. If an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty occurs between holes, then the penalty will be added to the next hole the team plays.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties with Timeouts:
In the event that a timeout has been granted by the referee when a team no longer has any remaining, the team will receive a one-shot penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
If a team is ruled to have deliberately called a timeout while the referee has their hand raised and a player has addressed the ball, the referee can call an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and give the team calling a timeout a one-shot penalty without warning.
Match Timing
Article 1: Length of Match:
A match will not have an official game clock that defines play in regulation. However, the total length of a match is estimated around two hours to align with broadcast requirements.
Article 2: Shot Clock:
The “shot clock” refers to the timing device that displays the countdown of time in which each player must record a shot. The shot clock will be 40 seconds for every shot. A violation occurs when the ball has not been struck, and the shot clock reaches zero. After each shot clock violation, a team will incur a one-shot penalty, and the same player would be up to play if they had not struck the ball. If a player strikes the ball after the shot clock expires, the stroke counts, and the ball is next played where it finished. The team is assessed a one-shot penalty.
Shot Clock Enforcement:
The referee and booth official shall be responsible for the management and enforcement of the shot clock. Shot clock violations are reviewable by the booth official via video replay.
Starting the Shot Clock:
The shot clock shall start any time the following occurs:
- The booth official or referee deems a player can play without interference or distraction.
- The booth official or referee deems a team or player has had adequate time to transition from one playing area to another.
Stopping and Resetting the Shot Clock:
The shot clock shall be stopped and reset any time the following occurs:
- A player has completed their turn
- A player incurs a shot clock violation
- A player incurs a penalty
- A timeout is called
- A Hammer is thrown
- The referee or booth official determines the shot clock must be reset to accommodate a special circumstance
Article 3: Timeouts:
Each team will have two timeouts per session that will last 20 seconds each. Timeouts may be called at any point by the team whose player is currently hitting. The opposing team will have until the referee puts up their hand, signaling a player has addressed the ball, to call a timeout and avoid interference. Players must wait until the entire 20 seconds has expired before they can hit their next shot.
Timeout Mechanics:
A member of the team will signal or verbally call a timeout to the referee, who will acknowledge the call. A team cannot call back-to-back timeouts on the same shot, they must wait until the shot is hit following a timeout to then be allowed to call another. If a timeout is called by a team that has none remaining, then they will receive a one-shot penalty. If a player hits a shot after a timeout has been called, the shot will not count, and the referee will invoke a re-hit.
Timeouts are reviewable by the booth official via video replay.
Injury Timeouts:
If a player becomes injured during a match, the referee or booth official can grant an injury timeout to provide care and treatment to the injured player. Injury timeouts will not be counted against a team’s official timeout count. However, if a player is suspected of taking advantage of an injury timeout as a competitive advantage, the situation will be reviewed by TGL Competition Staff for potential disciplinary action.
Player Eligibility & Injuries/Substitutes
Article 1: Eligibility:
As noted above, TGL teams will consist of six teams of four players each. To be eligible for TGL, players shall be PGA TOUR members in good standing. Exceptions are to be approved in advance by the TGL Competition Staff.
Article 2: Injuries:
Injuries & Conflicts:
If a “starting” player is unable to compete in a match due to injury, logistical conflict, or other unforeseen circumstances, teams shall be allowed to select a new player to take their place. Teams must notify the TGL Competition Staff no less than four hours prior to the start of a match if a player may be substituted. Players must be approved in advance by the TGL Competition Staff, and for unforeseen circumstances may allow a substitution less than four hours prior to the start of a match.
Injury Substitutions:
If a player becomes injured during a match and cannot return, teams will not be allowed to substitute for that player and must continue with only two players. The remaining players will rotate their order of filling in for the injured player. Triples will become a two-man alternate shot for that team. During Singles the team will keep their order, and each player will take a hole previously assigned to the injured player. An example of the above is:
- If Player 1 is injured, Player 2 will additionally play hole 10 and Player 3 will additionally play hole 13
- If Player 2 is injured, Player 1 will additionally play hole 11 and Player 3 will additionally play hole 14
- If Player 3 is injured, Player 1 will additionally play hole 12 and Player 2 will additionally play hole 15
If an injured player feels that they can return to the match, they will be permitted to do so at the start of a new hole. If a team or player is suspected of taking advantage of an injury substitution for a competitive advantage, the situation will be reviewed by TGL Competition Staff for potential disciplinary action.
Regular Season & Playoffs
As noted above, TGL will consist of a six-team league with each team playing the other five teams once in the regular season. Regular season matches will consist of teams playing all 15 holes in a match.
Article 1: Season Standings:
Regular Season Point System:
TGL will use a points-based system to determine the SoFi Cup Standings. For each match, teams can be awarded up to two points towards their regular season total, based on the following:
- Win in Regulation or Overtime - 2 Points
- Loss in Overtime - 1 Point
- Loss in Regulation - 0 Points
Article 2: Postseason:
The top four teams with the most regular season points will advance to the playoffs. Seeding also will be based on the most regular season points. In the event of two teams finishing with the same regular season point total, tiebreaker criteria will be as follows:
- Total holes won in regular season
- Singles holes won during regular season
- Fewest holes lost in regular season
- Head-to-Head result vs other team
- Strength of victory result (start at top of the standings and compare head-to-head results)
- Coin flip
The playoffs will use a single-elimination matchup for the Semifinals. The winners of those matchups will then progress to a best-of-three Finals Series where the two teams remaining play until a team has won two matches. Semifinal matchups will be determined by seeding as follows:
- #1 Team vs #4 Team
- #2 Team vs #3 Team
The higher-seeded team in both matchups will pick their player first during lineup selection, similarly to the regular season and start the match with Honor.
Finals Series
As specified above, the Finals Series will be a best-of-three format, and the winning team will receive the SoFi Cup.
The team that won the most holes in their semifinal match will be declared the higher seed and will start with Honor for matches two and three, while the lower seed will start with Honor for match one. If both teams won the same number of holes in their semifinal match, the team that won the most holes in Singles in their semifinal match will be declared the higher seed. If both teams won the same number of Singles holes, the final tiebreaker is the head-to-head result of their regular season match.
A lineup selection process like what occurs during the regular season will happen for match one. For matches two and three, lineup selection will happen following match one.
If a Finals Series match is mathematically over, meaning the losing team cannot possibly earn enough points to tie or overtake the winning team before they have played all 15 holes, the match will be declared finished.
Awarding of 3rd and 4th Place:
Teams losing in the Semifinals will be awarded 3rd and 4th place by which team won the most holes during their semifinal match. If both teams won the same number of holes, the team that won the most holes in Singles in the semifinal match will be declared the 3rd place team. If both teams won the same number of Singles holes, the final tiebreaker is the head-to-head result of their regular season match.